31 August 2007

First post

Rockville, MD

This first post is just to get things started.

I have invited GB and FT to join and they should be able to post soon. I would like to collect the stories of our travels here, and some pics too. We should be able to post stories and pics pretty easily, but I am new to this whole scene, so we will have to work out the bugs together.

I would like to go back in time with these posts too, but I will need some help from better memories. The New York Trip, New Mexico, etc... I think we can assign dates by clicking on the "post options" at the bottom of the posting field.

Also, for the rest of the 427 crew... and any significant others or friends... PLEASE feel free to weigh in by commenting on posts. It will be the only way to keep our imaginations in check.

Here's to hoping this works out,

Now playing: Kanye West - Stronger
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

FrankieT said...

Wow, 12:56 in the morning. I thought you were in bed by 9 every night now that you are in the real world. I am impressed by your dedication to the National Park cause.